
Man, I am so far behind the curve these days.  With many apologies for my tardiness, I have a note from my doctor saying that moving, a death in the family, and various other sundry issues all happening within 4 weeks of each other is a reasonable excuse for not posting.  Of course, I realize that my readers try to hold me to a much higher standard…but I’m kind of heavy, so they can’t hold me there for long.

It’s April now, and that means that tickets are now on sale for Tales of the Cocktail in New Orleans.  That’s right, you can now go get your tickets.  Do it.  Stop reading, go back and click on that link and get your tickets.  How could you NOT get your tickets.

You still need motivation?  You need incentive?  You need prodding to go to New Orleans for the biggest, baddest spirits event in the US in July?  Seriously?

Just check out this list of events.  Check out the list of VIP’s that will be speaking and delivering fantastic demonstrations on everything from this history of rum to molecular mixology.  What more do you need?

How about this: The Dood, himself will be there.  There you go, now you’ve got no excuses.  In fact, several of my fellow cocktail bloggers and I will be there contributing to the official Tales of the Cocktail Blog.  We’ll be easy to spot because instead of wandering around imbibing various cocktails and spirits, we’ll be wandering around imbibing various cocktails and spirits while typing.  I’m thinking this is the perfect occasion for introducing my laptop holder + drink holder apparatus.  OK, I don’t really have one, but it would be an awesome thing.

If you simply can’t make it, or if you still need motivation, keep your RSS reader pointed to the TalesBlog over the next few months, as in addition to blogging at Tales, there will be sneak-previews of various sessions and other goodies to help entice you.

Hope I see you guys in NOLA!

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