It’s been a long time since I had a contest here on RumDood.com. Too long in fact. The last time I hosted a contest it was the very end of summer (here in the Northern Hemisphere) as Labor Day came upon us here in the US to assert that playtime was over.
Now May has arrived and while it may not mark the technical beginning of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, in the US I think you’ll find most people welcome the end of May and Memorial Day Weekend as the start of Summer.
Summer means different things for different people. For most it means long, hot days, dreams of the beach and cold tropical drinks melting in our hands. And what better tropical drink is there than the Mai Tai?
Of course, making a Mai Tai requires a few things. Two different rums, a good orange liqueur and a bottle of orgeat to start. That’s not cheap if you want to serve these up for a party. And that’s why RumDood.com is offering you a chance to get some help with that by giving you the chance to win a Mai Tai Kit consisting of a bottle of Appleton Estate 12 Year Old, a bottle of Clement VSOP Rhum Agricole, a bottle of Clement Creole Shrubb and a bottle of Trader Tiki Orgeat Syrup!
The Contest:
Write a blog post about your favorite rum, rum cocktail or best rum experience. Tell me and your readers why a particular rum or drink captured your attention or about the first time a bartender made your eyes pop out of your head with some rummy goodness. Make sure that you link back to this post in your entry, and make sure that you let me know about your post here in the comments!
The Prizes:
The best post (as chosen by me and my lovely editor) will win a full “kit” for making Mai Tais (you supply the limes):
- 1 bottle of Appleton Estate 12 Year Old Jamaican Rum
- 1 bottle of Clement VSOP Rhum Agricole Vieux
- 1 bottle of Clement Creole Shrubb Orange Liqueur
- 1 bottle of Trader Tiki Orgeat Syrup
The 3 runners-up will each receive a free copy of Jeff “Beachbum” Berry’s newest book, Beach Bum Berry Remixed, chock-full of the right kind of recipes to get you going on Memorial Day and through the rest of summer.
The Deadline:
In order to get the winner’s Mai Tai Kit out in time, you need to post your entry by midnight (Pacific Daylight Time) on Sunday, May 23rd, 2010. This gives me a day or two to read the responses and choose our lucky winners. 12:01am PDT on Sunday is too late…probably.
The Fine Print:
Entrants must be over the age of 21 and a resident of the U.S.A. (sorry international readers). Stories not submitted by the deadline of 5/23 will not be eligible. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
So there you have it. Gather ye your best rum stories and share them with the world for a chance to win enough rummy goodness for a Polynesian weekend wonderland!
Comments on this entry are closed.
Matt Browner Hamlin
Well I guess I’m first! Here’s my post about having my socks knocked off by Gina Chersevani’s The Situation Rum in honor of the inauguration of Barack Obama.
I’m too sad to write a story, the liquor fairy arrived today with a broken bottle of Clement Shrubb. Made it all the way from the east coast only to have him drop the box on my receiving department’s concrete floor.
The Concierge
My best rum experience comes when I realized that I only have 5 rums and I decided to start getting into drinking cocktails made with rum and I asked RumDood for 5 essential mixing rums and he replied
“4:53 PM rumdood:My 5 essential mixing rums? Appleton Estate V/X, El Dorado 12, Mount Gay Extra Old, Clement VSOP, El Dorado 3, Oronoco, Matusalem Platino, Lemonhart 151, Appleton Special, Appleton Estate Reserve, Mount Gay Eclipse, Clement Premierre Cane… ”
I now have 50 different bottles of rum. Thanks Rum Dood!
I’ll see what I can come up with, but I blame this blog for encouraging me to acquire a pretty decent number of the prize elements on my own. I’m slowly but surely denuding Portland of the last remaining bottles of Creole Shrubb and Allspice Dram in an effort to make more tiki and rum drinks. Not to mention scouring the internet for deals. My FB status last Friday read “It’s a good day. For RUM.” with a picture of bottles of ED 15, ED3, Sagatiba Velho and Ron Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva sitting on my desk at work.
Not that I’m complaining…
Matt Robold
Concierge: I refuse to put limits on rum. 😉
Chris: Obviously you need to win this contest!
Hi Matt, I have posted my entry into this fine contest here (http://www.thespeakista.com/?p=65) … as is typical with most of my writing, it is a wondering mess of a story but I had fun writing it and exploring the topic. Thanks again for hosting this contest.
Please stand by for rum bloggery (but no lash).
Here’s my entry 😉 http://gourmetpigs.blogspot.com/2010/05/oh-that-unforgettable-rum-experience.html
I took a liberal interpretation of the “best rum experience” …
Here is our entry: http://microliquor.com/atlantico-private-cask-rum
Okay. I’m up. I took a shotgun approach.
Here is my entry here:
The cocktail which I discussed is a cigar cocktail, created by Johann Burgos.
A post about how I came to love rum:
allo! this is for you 🙂 http://www.inomthings.com/?p=1874
Brian Johnson
My opus on particle theory.