Drinking In The Big Easy

This is just  a short note to let everyone know that I am still alive.  I had meant to blog every day that I was here, but yesterday got a bit away from me.

Tales of the Cocktail didn’t officially start until today, but the Ministry of Rum Tasting Competition started yesterday.  I joined 20+ experts on a panel to taste and score 30+ rums in one day.  I’ll be doing a complete write-up of the competition tonight after it’s all done (we have one session – whites and cachacas – still to go, for a total of 57 rums in 2 days).  I will say that this has been an eye-opening experience and that the competition alone made this trip worth the effort.

One thing I am greatly enjoying here at Tales (besides the rum) is getting to meet fellow bloggers and other people that have only ever been screen-names or credits on books or bottles.  I spent a great deal of time last night with fellow bloggers like Jay, Jeffrey (thanks for guiding me to French 75), Craig, Craig, Gabriel, Seamus, Rick, Blair, and Paul (I apologize if I missed anyone in that list).  We had cocktails at French 75, then wandered down to Pat O’Brien’s for the obligatory horrible hurricane-type red drink in a tall cup, before finally lighting at the Carousel Bar, which I have now closed down for two consecutive nights.

Prior to that I had had the great pleasure of having Ed Hamilton make me (and a number of the other judges) ti’ punches at the bar in Margaritaville (of all places).  It was a great treat – Ed makes fantastic ti’ punches, and his process is a sight to behold.  Once I get home I’ll be posting a video of Ed doing his thing.  Had dinner with Ed, Dave from RnDRumReviews, and Martin from Forbidden Island in Alameda.

If you’re trying to follow my stumblings, be sure to check out my Twitter feed.

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  • Tiare

    July 16, 2008, 21:04

    U and all the rest in NOLA have a great time, no doubt..

    I look forward to that video with Ed making Ti punch!

    Cheers! ;-))

  • Silvio

    July 17, 2008, 16:08

    As am I! And other videos you might have. You are lucky to be able to attend these festivals.

  • Rob Galloway

    July 29, 2008, 01:46

    Hey Matt,

    It was great meeting you at Tales in NOLA. (That’s short for New Orleans, Louisiana for you non-locals.). Next time you are in town, get in touch and I will take you to our rum bar.

    Rob from Live Bait bar and grill

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