This coming Thursday (November 20), for one night and one night only, you can join Gabriel of and me for a real treat as we join the Mixoloseum’s Thursday Drink Night LIVE from Trader Vic’s on the Las Vegas Strip starting at 6pm Pacific Time!
That’s right, this week Gabe and I will be mixing things up with the bartenders at Vic’s, courtesy of Leblon Cachaca – which works out perfectly since Leblon is this week’s theme for TDN. So if you’re joining us from home, be sure to pick up a bottle first, or if you happen to be in the neighborhood, be sure to come down to Trader Vic’s for some mixological mayhem.
If you’re unfamiliar with Thursday Drink Night, allow me to illuminate. Every Thursday the folks at get together in “The Bar” and spend the entire evening making drinks. Not just any drinks mind you – only ORIGINAL drinks. All drinks are invented on-the-spot as people take turns trying to come up with the best libation of the evening. Afterwards the host for the evening (usually Rick from KaiserPenguin) chooses a winner and sends them a prize of some sort. Each week has a different theme around which everyone tries to build – from gin to Irish Whisk(e)y to fruit liqueurs. It’s a great deal of fun, and you’ll end up with a number of terrific original drink recipes in the end. So whether you’re in Las Vegas this Thursday or sitting in front of your home bar in Asheville, North Carolina, join us – either physically or virtually – for another great night of mixing drinks and witty banter*.
*Disclaimer: Banter not guaranteed to be witty