Thursday Drink Night’s First Anniversary: Tiki Night!

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a full year, but Thursday Drink Night, the Mixoloseum’s weekly online cocktail party, turns 1 this coming Thursday, Sept. 3rd (OK, so really it turns 1 on the 2nd, but we can’t very well have TDN on Wednesday night, now can we?).

To celebrate our first anniversary, the Mixoloseum has picked Tiki Drinks as the theme.  That’s right, get your rums, syrups, tiki mugs, and fruit juices ready and start crushing some ice, because this coming Thursday from 7pm Eastern to whenever we feel like stopping we’re going to be coming up with brand new tiki recipes and having a blast.  Joining us on this auspicious occasion will be Jeff “Beachbum” Berry, who will be chatting and maybe even submitting and making a few drinks as well.

If you’ve never been to Thursday Drink Night, what better excuse to join in on the fun than our first anniversary?  Not sure you’re ready?  Of course you’re ready!  Join the Mixoloseum Chat Room and spend some time chatting with some of your favorite cocktail bloggers, bartenders, and just general cocktail enthusiasts.  Drink submission isn’t a necessity, but with a chance to win a bottle of Old New Orleans Cajun Spiced Rum, bottles of Obsello Absinthe and Port of Barcelona Gin – both signed by their respective distillers, a golden Japanese Barspoon, and SIX of the latest classic cocktail book reproductions from Mud Puddle Books, how can you really justify NOT trying your hand at some drink-making?

Be sure to join the fun on Thursday, Sept 3rd at 7pm Eastern by signing in to the Mixoloseum Chat Room.  Tell’em RumDood sent you.