
Pele’s Peak

Piña Coladas are delicious, but boring. Painkillers are far more interesting, but also far more likely to get you into legal troubles. The Pele’s Peak, however, is only likely to get you to order another one. * image courtesy In 2013, 320 Main had its annual summer Tiki Night. To make things more interesting, [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum

Trader Tiki, Painkiller NY Change Names

File this under “things people have been talking about a lot for the past two days.” Both Trader Tiki’s Exotic Syrups and Painkiller NY Tiki Bar have announced name changes this week due to litigation relating to trademarks. Both changes have brought on a great deal of anger from the community (though I’ll admit that [...]

Filed Under: Rum


Painkillerfrom Jeff “Beachbum” Berry’s Grog Log4 oz Pusser’s Rum4 oz Pineapple Juice1 oz Coconut Cream1 oz Orange Juice8 oz Crushed IceMix all ingredients in a blender and blend for approximately 3 seconds.  Serve in a tiki mug and dust with nutmeg, cinnamon, or both. I know that one or two people out there are hoping [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum