
Ron Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva

Venezuela probably isn’t the first country that comes to mind when someone mentions “top-shelf rum.” While the rum from the islands in the Caribbean tends to draw all of the attention, the people on the mainland continue to toil in the same hot, sticky weather to make rums that are all their own and every bit as delicious as you might find on any wind-blown island.

Not only are the mainlanders making rum, they’re making damn good rum.

Filed Under: Rum, Rum Reviews

Awards For 2009 – The Golden Barrels

RumDood hands out his awards for 2009, including best new bar, best blog post series about rum, and Rum of the Year for 2009.

Filed Under: Rum

5 Rum Drinks For The Holidays

Snowflakes are falling.  Gifts are being wrapped and given. Cards and candles are everywhere.  It’s almost like there’s something special going on this time of year. While spending time – willingly or otherwise – with friends and family, it just feel right without the right drink to add to the merriment (or help with the [...]

Filed Under: Rum

‘Twas The Punch Before Christmas

‘Twas the Punch before Christmas And all through the bar Each contestant was stirring Hoping their punch would star… The first ever Punch Before Christmas competition at Malo (something both bar manager Rhachel Shaw and I are hoping to make a recurring event), sponsored by Kraken Black Spiced Rum, was held on December 10th with [...]

Filed Under: Rum

Mai Tai

Iconic rum drinks are numerous.  From the daiquiri to the mojito to the omnipresent “Rum & Coke” (or Cuba Libre if you’re going to do it properly), they’re everywhere.  In 1944 one of the most iconic rum cocktails of all, perhaps only dwarfed by the daiquiri, was introduced by Victor “Trader Vic” Bergeron.  The flagship [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum

Egg Nogg

Egg Nogg, or Egg Nog, or Eggnog – however you spell it, it’s synonymous with the holidays.  A drink older than the term “cocktail” that many associate with it, its origins lie somewhere in the 18th Century with popular “flips” or drinks made with spirits and eggs, often served hot, but not necessarily so. Much [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum

Volcano House Hot Buttered Rum

Hot Buttered Rum is a frequent holiday drink that frequently finds itself at the business end of tinkering.  In a recent post I discussed the essential or basic Hot Buttered Rum, a simple mixture of rum, butter, hot water, sugar, and spices.  Any drink that exists as long as Hot Buttered Rum is bound to [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum