All the wonderful, classic Holiday cocktails and I have to post my own. The nerve! I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that I should be devoting this space to the Zig Zag Hot Buttered Rum or – well really, I don’t know that there’s anything else that needs to go on that list. Still, [...]
In the past few weeks I’ve been to London for a week for London Cocktail Week and UK Rumfest, followed immediately by Portland (Oregon) for Portland Cocktail Week. I returned home from my trips tired, well-pickled, and with a slight cold. I also returned to find a request from The Daily Beast. As part of [...]
Iconic rum drinks are numerous. From the daiquiri to the mojito to the omnipresent “Rum & Coke” (or Cuba Libre if you’re going to do it properly), they’re everywhere. In 1944 one of the most iconic rum cocktails of all, perhaps only dwarfed by the daiquiri, was introduced by Victor “Trader Vic” Bergeron. The flagship [...]
For a second there I was worried that Mixology Monday might miss the entire month of September. I’m sure you were worried too. And if you weren’t, just pretend that you were to make me feel better. The fine folks at the eGullet forums are hosting this month’s virtual cocktail party. I often find myself [...]
It started with a single drink. I sat in the dining room of Luau in Beverly Hills as the waitress handed my companion and me our drinks. I was eager to try mine. Jeff “Beach Bum” Berry designed the bar menu, and this being our second round of drinks, I was prepared for another excellent [...]