Cocktail Recipes

The Ancient Mariner

Are you tired of Tiki drinks yet?  I sure hope not because we’re still rolling with Jeff “Beachbum” Berry Week as we prepare ourselves for the arrival of Jeff’s newest book, Beachbum Berry Remixed.
Jeff, of course, is considered the man at the front of the Tiki Revival that we’re seeing today.  Beyond reviving long-lost recipes and repopularizing drinks that had fallen out of favor Jeff has also introduced a few drinks of his own, ranging from the blatantly Polynesian to the more subtle tropical drinks like the Ancient Mariner.

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum


It’s been all Jeff “Beachbum” Berry all the time here for the past few days as we celebrate the impending arrival of his newest book, and we’re still rolling with even more fun from J-Triple-B.

The Miehana is one of Jeff’s original Tiki recipes. A fantastic drink with pretty much the easiest ingredient ratio ever (here’s a hint: use the same amount for all of them), the Miehana combines three fruit juices with three different liquors (two, of course, are rums) to create a drink that is a great tribute to the city down the street from my doorstep.

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum

Hurricane Cocktail

Mardi Gras has found its way to us.  Once again people will fill Bourbon Street in New Orleans for the annual revelry that manages the impressive feat of eclipsing every other celebration in a city that is famous for its celebrations. One of the most iconic drinks consumed in New Orleans has to be from [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum

Twelve Mile Limit

One of the curses of being a cocktail geek is that like any other obsessed person, you start to collect more and more literature on the subject and start seeking out more of the new. Eventually you end up with bookshelves lined with cocktail books and books on spirits (for some reason I have a lot of books whose titles start or end with “Rum”).

One of the fun things about this “curse” is that “hitting the books” often also means getting your shaker, jiggers, and obsessively collected glassware out and trying all sorts of drinks.

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum

Negrita Grog

Mixology Monday strikes again, and this time I’m completely unprepared. I’m not sure how that’s any different from any of the other MxMo’s, but usually my sloth has much more to do with my tardiness than my utter lack of memory that it was even happening.

At Cocktail Virgin Slut, Fred spends his time trying out wonderful cocktails and then writing about them. It’s a passion so few people seem to have these days. Fred graciously asked to host MxMo this month, and his theme, tea, left me a bit in the rough…

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum

Mai Tai

Iconic rum drinks are numerous.  From the daiquiri to the mojito to the omnipresent “Rum & Coke” (or Cuba Libre if you’re going to do it properly), they’re everywhere.  In 1944 one of the most iconic rum cocktails of all, perhaps only dwarfed by the daiquiri, was introduced by Victor “Trader Vic” Bergeron.  The flagship [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum

Egg Nogg

Egg Nogg, or Egg Nog, or Eggnog – however you spell it, it’s synonymous with the holidays.  A drink older than the term “cocktail” that many associate with it, its origins lie somewhere in the 18th Century with popular “flips” or drinks made with spirits and eggs, often served hot, but not necessarily so. Much [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum