Get that stupid song out of your head because we aren’t discussing that abomination in this one. Just get it out of your head, I’ll wait. Done? Good. Moving on. The Piña Colada is a tropical drink that lots of people think of when summertime rolls around and starts making everything all warm and toasty. [...]
When the air gets a bit too warm and the beaches beckon, there are a few things that come to mind that must be had immediately. Loose-fitting clothes or tight bathing suits must be matched with sunscreen and some body of water. Friends must be gathered and all must enjoy some sort of cool, refreshing [...]
I love the smell of Tiki in the morning. Come to think of it, I love the smell of Tiki in the afternoon, evening, and in the middle of the night too. I guess what I’m saying is that I really like Tiki drinks. Three Dots and a Dash may be a bit of a [...]
Something that’s best described as refreshing, herbal, and delicious? Now that sounds like a drink I could get behind. Throw in one of the greatest cocktail names ever and how could anyone resist the siren call of a Downfall? The Missionary’s Downfall first appeared in Don The Beachcomber’s back in 1940s, though Jeff “Beachbum” Berry [...]
While the blog has seemed to linger in hibernation, know that there are stirrings about and things to come. However, while completely lost in about seven brazillian projects I’m working on, I got word that this month Mixology Monday was going all Tiki. How could I resist submitting one of my current projects for consideration [...]
Recently Dave Stolte set out to change the world with an approachable, stocking-stuffable cocktail book for the average drinker. Rather than pander to baser tastes and recipes though, Dave insisted that the basics of a home bar should include the same foundation as used in a craft cocktail bar. To do this, Dave gave the [...]
All the wonderful, classic Holiday cocktails and I have to post my own. The nerve! I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that I should be devoting this space to the Zig Zag Hot Buttered Rum or – well really, I don’t know that there’s anything else that needs to go on that list. Still, [...]