
Correction & Thanks

I’ve added a note and made a correction on my most recent review of Ron Zacapa Centenario.  When I first published the review, I stated that the rum was made from molasses.  This was an error.  The rum is actually made from the “sugar cane honey”, or freshly squeezed juice of sugar cane, and not [...]

Filed Under: Rum

I Have Odd Friends

Sometimes I look at various things my friends have wrought and I am left dumbfounded….or on the floor, grabbing my stomach laughing….or on the ground in a parking lot.This time it’s the floor, laughing…with some dumbfounded mixed in, as my friend, “Saxman”, sent me this:Update:  It occurs to me that I’ve actually seen this before, [...]

Filed Under: Rum

Anything worth doing…

…is worth doing right.  So they say at least, and that is why I made good and sure that I did things right when I fell out of that pickup truck this weekend, breaking my right arm and spraining my left elbow.  This isn’t exactly how I had envisioned opening my new blog. But that’s [...]