I have a thing for Thai food. I love the mixture of flavors like basil with spice and cooked fruit. One of my favorite Mojito riffs is to make one with Stiggins Pineapple Rum and basil instead of white rum and mint. It’s delicious. You should try it. So when I needed a recipe for [...]
I could write a lot about it, or just post this… That’s right. The Earth has completed yet another circle around the Sun God and he demands his offerings of fruit juices and rum. This year we’re doing it more OC style with myself, Kelly Merrell from Trader Sam’s, Michelle Bearden from 320 Main (who [...]
Piña Coladas are delicious, but boring. Painkillers are far more interesting, but also far more likely to get you into legal troubles. The Pele’s Peak, however, is only likely to get you to order another one. * image courtesy ThirstyInLA.com In 2013, 320 Main had its annual summer Tiki Night. To make things more interesting, [...]
Not too long ago I was asked to stop by local NPR affiliate, KCRW to talk with Evan Kleiman on her show, Good Food about Tiki drinks and rum. I think I only mentioned Jeff “Beachbum” Berry two or three times, and to be honest, the entire interview should have been little more than me [...]
I love the smell of Tiki in the morning. Come to think of it, I love the smell of Tiki in the afternoon, evening, and in the middle of the night too. I guess what I’m saying is that I really like Tiki drinks. Three Dots and a Dash may be a bit of a [...]
Something that’s best described as refreshing, herbal, and delicious? Now that sounds like a drink I could get behind. Throw in one of the greatest cocktail names ever and how could anyone resist the siren call of a Downfall? The Missionary’s Downfall first appeared in Don The Beachcomber’s back in 1940s, though Jeff “Beachbum” Berry [...]
While the blog has seemed to linger in hibernation, know that there are stirrings about and things to come. However, while completely lost in about seven brazillian projects I’m working on, I got word that this month Mixology Monday was going all Tiki. How could I resist submitting one of my current projects for consideration [...]