
An Evening Chat With Wayne Curtis

Tomorrow, May 12, Wayne Curtis will be dropping in at the Mixoloseum Chat Room to spend some time, well, chatting.  You may remember Wayne as the author of …and a bottle of rum (one of my all-time favorite books about my all-time favorite spirit), as well as his many features for The Atlantic and a [...]

Filed Under: Rum

Prime Minister Cocktail

You would think that after a Mixoloseum Thursday Drink Night sponsored by Mount Gay Rum, I would have posted numerous cocktail recipes immediately following the event.  I confess that I’ve been a bit remiss in taking so long to get to some, but finally, here is the first in a series of cocktails created at [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum

Rums of Barbados @ Mixoloseum Blog

It actually went up last week, but I have a post up at the Mixoloseum Blog doing a mini-round-up of the rums from the Caribbean’s easternmost island, Barbados.  It is by no means a comprehensive list of the rums that are made on the island, as there are actually quite a few from R.L. Seale, [...]

Filed Under: Rum

Mount Gay Extra Old Rum @ Thursday Drink Night

This coming Thursday, April 9 2009, Thursday Drink Night at the Mixoloseum is being sponsored by none other than Mount Gay Rum.  In fact, the theme for the evening isn’t just Mount Gay, it’s Mount Gay Extra Old!The MGXO is one of my favorite rums.  It’s delicious, versatile, and smooth.  I enjoy sipping it neat, [...]

Filed Under: Rum

Absinthe-Minded Professor

Another month, another sponsored Thursday Drink Night at the Mixoloseum.  January’s sponsor were the fine folks at Mata Hari Absinthe. Absinthe, also known as “The Green Fairy”, is an anise-flavored spirit based on numerous herbs and flowers, including wormwood.  The green liquor tends to be very strong-tasting, as well as distilled to a very high [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum

Mixology Monday: Broaden Your Horizons

I’m skating in behind the deadline and probably not in the round-up, but I will NOT miss Mixology Monday this month.  I had originally written up what we’ll all just assume was my greatest work ever on this site, only to have my computer crash and Windows Live Writer refuse to open my draft afterward.  [...]

Filed Under: Rum

Trinidad Sand

Sandeman Port was the most recent sponsor of the Mixoloseum’s Thursday Drink Night.  On December 18th a collection of cocktail bloggers, bartenders, and other cocktail enthusiasts signed in to the Mixoloseum’s Bar and spent the evening mixing cocktails with a rarely-used ingredient: port. Port, of course, is a Portugese fortified wine that is often served [...]

Filed Under: Cocktail Recipes, Rum