Created in Trinidad, constructed with Guyanese rum and a heavy dose of Trinidad’s most famous product, it’s awfully hard to turn down a Queen’s Park Swizzle. The drink is so refreshing and delicious that in 1946 one Trader Vic declared the Queen’s Park Swizzle to be “the most delightful form of anesthesia given out today.”
It’s Mixology Monday and once again we’re coming in at the last possible second to get another great rum cocktail turned in on time. It’s not that I don’t plan ahead. I honestly do. It’s more that planning does not equal doing. As the saying goes, the path to the bar is paved with good [...]
It’s not often that you’ll see me recommending a drink that calls for a blender. I have several friends that are trying to break me of my resistance as there are actually quite a few awesome Tiki drinks that employ this device’s dark powers of crush and/or puree. Drinks like this one only help their cause.
The Coconaut is another Jeff Berry creation, originally given to the world via his book, Beachbum Berry’s Grog Log. A mixture of coconut cream, rum, lime juice and a blender full of ice, it’s an utterly amazing drink that can pack quite a wallop.
As we come to the end of Jeff “Beachbum” Berry Week it just so happens that we are not only celebrating the any-day-now arrival of Jeff’s newest book, Beachbum Berry Remixed, but also the Bum’s own birthday!
There are so many great drinks to actually choose from. The Miehana, the Coconaut, the Bum’s Rush, the Kiliki Cooler…
Are you tired of Tiki drinks yet? I sure hope not because we’re still rolling with Jeff “Beachbum” Berry Week as we prepare ourselves for the arrival of Jeff’s newest book, Beachbum Berry Remixed.
Jeff, of course, is considered the man at the front of the Tiki Revival that we’re seeing today. Beyond reviving long-lost recipes and repopularizing drinks that had fallen out of favor Jeff has also introduced a few drinks of his own, ranging from the blatantly Polynesian to the more subtle tropical drinks like the Ancient Mariner.
It’s been all Jeff “Beachbum” Berry all the time here for the past few days as we celebrate the impending arrival of his newest book, and we’re still rolling with even more fun from J-Triple-B.
The Miehana is one of Jeff’s original Tiki recipes. A fantastic drink with pretty much the easiest ingredient ratio ever (here’s a hint: use the same amount for all of them), the Miehana combines three fruit juices with three different liquors (two, of course, are rums) to create a drink that is a great tribute to the city down the street from my doorstep.
Mardi Gras has found its way to us. Once again people will fill Bourbon Street in New Orleans for the annual revelry that manages the impressive feat of eclipsing every other celebration in a city that is famous for its celebrations. One of the most iconic drinks consumed in New Orleans has to be from [...]